CVRD offers options for curbside collection pickup during extreme weather. (File photo)

CVRD offers options for curbside collection pickup during extreme weather. (File photo)

CVRD offers options for curbside collection pickup during extreme weather

Weather sometimes prevents trucks from accessing all areas

  • Jan. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Occasionally, extreme weather events may prevent curbside-collection trucks from accessing all residents on scheduled recycling and/or garbage pickup days in the Cowichan Valley Regional District.

So the CVRD has sent out a notice advising residents in its electoral areas that if their curbside collection is missed due to extreme weather, they should hang on to their material until the next scheduled collection day.

The notice states that extra material may be placed at the curb alongside CVRD totes.

“Please ensure extra recyclable material is labelled clearly on the outside of container ‘For Recycling’,” the notice said.

“Recyclable material in plastic bags will not be collected. Alternatively, if you are unable to hang onto your garbage and/or recycling until your next scheduled pickup, it can be taken to either Bings Creek, Peerless Road or Meade Creek recycling centres for disposal at no charge. Proof of residency is required to be presented at the facility scale house upon arrival.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen