The proposed Agassiz Road supportive housing project has met with stiff opposition from area neighbours. —Image: Capital News file

The proposed Agassiz Road supportive housing project has met with stiff opposition from area neighbours. —Image: Capital News file

Date set for contentious supportive housing project public hearing in Kelowna

Council will hear from the public on the proposed Agassiz Road project on Jan. 17

The public hearing for a rezoning proposal that could allow a controversial supportive hosing project in Kelowna to proceed, has been set for Jan 17.

If approved by council, the rezoning for land at 2025 Agassiz Road would allow B.C Housing to build a 52-bed supportive housing project for formerly homeless and, in some cases, drug addicted people.

Expecting a large crowd and a lengthy meeting with many speakers, city council has scheduled the single-item public hearing for council chambers starting at 6 p.m.

Related: Protests outside open house for supportive housing proposal in Kelowna

The Agassiz Road proposal has met with stiff opposition from area residents, who say they are concerned about several aspects of the plan, including the fact the building would allow residents to use drugs on site. B.C. housing says the there will be round-the-clock medical supervison, as well as strict security on site at all times.

Protests have been held by residents opposed to the plan for the housing project and has led to the creation of new neighbourhood association for the residential area just south of the Orchard Plaza shopping mall in an area of the city now known as Midtown. Representatives of the association say they plan to protest again next week outside city hall.

Opponents, many of them seniors living in condominiums buidling surrounding the proposed supportive housing site, have said they are concerned about safety in their neighbourhood if the proposal goes ahead, as well what they feel could be a drop in property values.

They say they are not opposed to the creation of the type of housing being proposed, they just want it to be built elsewhere.

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