Nathan Truant sits outside the Kelowna courthouse during a break on March 8, 2021. (Michael Rodriguez/Capital News)

Despite no-show during manslaughter trial, accused Kelowna killer back out on bail

Nathan Truant failed to appear in court as the lengthy manslaughter trial continued on July 28

  • Aug. 4, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A man accused in a 2018 Kelowna manslaughter has been released from custody after failing to appear in court during trial last week.

Nathan Truant was a no-show as the lengthy trial continued on July 28. He was taken into custody that day and released on a $2,000 surety bail July 30.

Justice Allison Beames is expected to render her verdict on Aug. 25 on a voir dire determining the admissibility of a confession Truant’s co-accused, Noah Vaten, made to police following his January 2019 arrest in Manitoba. Vaten’s defence lawyer argued the interrogation breached Vaten’s Charter right to have a lawyer. Prosecutors said Vaten was aware of that right and declined legal assistance several times through the interrogation.

The Crown alleges Vaten dealt the fatal stab to Esa Carriere as fireworks boomed above during Canada Day celebrations in downtown Kelowna on July 1, 2018. Four people were charged with manslaughter in the incident, including two youths, one of whom is still awaiting trial. The other was sentenced to a 15-month rehabilitative program in January 2021.

Truant and Vaten’s trial is set to resume Sept. 22, and Vaten’s defence lawyer has expressed his intention to call his client to the stand to testify on his own behalf.

READ MORE: Accused killer a no-show during Kelowna Canada Day manslaughter trial

READ MORE: Blacked out’ on cocaine, accused killer kicked cop shop window looking for help

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