Drawing shows how residences would appear, with a narrow corridor on one side of each residence, and a wider corridor on the other.District of Clearwater graphic

Drawing shows how residences would appear, with a narrow corridor on one side of each residence, and a wider corridor on the other.District of Clearwater graphic

Development changes move ahead

Town council approves narrow corridors between houses in development

By Keith McNeill

Clearwater town council has given third reading to an application to rezone a property along Clearwater Valley Road just north of the roundabout to permit single family dwellings in addition to the already permitted multiple family dwellings and duplexes.

The decision was made during a regular council meeting held May 15.

The property was subdivided by a previous owner into 32 bare-land strata lots. Water and sewer have been installed to serve duplexes to be located on the lots.

READ MORE: Town council gives first reading (April 9, 2018)

However, it appears that the new owner feels that there would be a better market for single family dwellings instead of duplexes.

He has applied for a site specific amendment to allow for the construction of relatively long and narrow homes with narrow gaps between pairs of them.

Alex Krause, manager of planning services with the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, which provides planning services to the District, recommended that the application be supported only if the excessively narrow strata lots are consolidated by pairs or reconfigured in such a way as to enable livable housing development.

However, town council voted to approve the existing application, which is being forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation for approval.

If it is approved by the ministry, it will be brought back to council for final approval.

A public hearing was held before the council meeting to provide the opportunity to comment on the rezoning application. However, there was no public input received.

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