Directors switch committee roles

Hen bylaw proceeds, annexation opinions sought through Regional District of North Okanagan

There’s been some role reversal at the Regional District of North Okanagan.

Bob Fleming has shifted from vice-chairperson to chairperson of the Electoral Area Advisory Committee while chairperson Rick Fairbairn is now vice-chairperson.

Fleming is director for BX-Swan Lake while Fairbairn is director for rural Lumby.

The EAAC oversees matters impacting the regional district’s five rural electoral areas.

Hen bylaw proceeds

Chickens may eventually be allowed in residential backyards in the North Okanagan’s rural areas.

The Electoral Area Advisory Committee has given two readings to a bylaw that would permit hens – not roosters – in residential and rural zones.

The issue arose after a resident in rural Enderby learned that the practice is currently not allowed.

“The person was confused about why you can have chickens in Vernon but not in a rural area,” said director Jackie Pearase.

Staff will develop a document on best management practices on keeping backyard chickens.

The proposed bylaw change will now go to a hearing for public input.


opinions wanted

Residents of Greater Vernon’s two electoral areas will be asked for their thoughts on remaining separate jurisdictions or joining the city.

As part of the upcoming official community plan review for Areas B and C, there will be a social impact survey on annexation.

“We can get a sense of what people feel of why they want to be part of an electoral area,” said Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director.

The results of the survey will complement a study that is looking at the impact of individual properties in electoral areas being annexed into adjacent municipalities.


Vernon Morning Star