Photo courtesy of District of Mission.

District commits to developing new arts and culture centre for Mission Arts Council

To be located at site of former Mission Lawn Bowling Club on Hurd Street

  • Jun. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The District of Mission has committed to the development of a new arts and culture centre for the Mission Arts Council (MAC).

The centre will be located at the site of the former Mission Lawn Bowling Club, located at 7560 Hurd Street. The lawn bowling club will soon be relocating indoors to the new Boswyk Activity Centre on Grand Street.

“The Mission Arts Council has been contributing to our community for many years, and they need a home of their own,” said Mayor Paul Horn. “This is an important move by council to better support and encourage the growth of arts and culture in the District.”

MAC has been seeking to increase the amount of programming it offers, which was not possible at their current building on 1st Avenue. They inquired about a possible new location with District staff.

After review, council recommended signing a letter of intent with MAC, promising future development of a community centre at the new location, according to a District news release.

Funding has yet to be secured for the new space, and a formal agreement is being prepared, the release said.

The District said its commitment is a significant step that will allow MAC and its board of directors to seek new funding partners and grants.

MAC president Kelly Ridley expressed gratitude, and said he looks forward to collaboration on all aspects of the project, including the funding, design and construction of the project.

COMMUNITY PROFILE: The Mission Arts Council

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