A request to allow dogs on a popular beach during the winter months is being considered.
Greater Vernon Advisory Committee staff will investigate the experience of other communities that permit dogs on beaches over the winter and then report back on possible options for Kal Beach.
“We’re just gathering information and then the next step will be the discussion that ensues,” said director Bob Fleming.
The request for dogs on Kal Beach from Oct. 1 to May 1 came from resident Chris Francis, whose 90-year-old mother lives near Kal Beach and regularly walks her dog there.
“It’s the only safe place to walk,” said Francis of snow and ice creating challenges along roads.
“People police themselves and if bags are available, bags are used.”
However, while birds congregate on the beach, some elected officials are concerned that allowing dogs there could heighten bacteria issues.
“Why would we allow more fecal contamination on a beach?” said director Mike Macnabb.
“One of our star attractions should not be covered with dog feces over the winter.”
A similar argument also came from director Scott Anderson.
“We should be concerned more about disallowing geese and ducks than allowing more,” he said.
“I am sympathetic to the lack of dog runs but it’s a slippery slope. Stopping it during the on-season (May to October) could be a problem.”