“Don’t drive to get your licence back” warn police

RCMP have become aware that, in ever increasing numbers, Prohibited and Suspended drivers are driving themselves to the licencing centers to get their drivers licences re-instated.

  • Jan. 10, 2011 12:00 p.m.

RCMP have become aware that, in ever increasing numbers, Prohibited and Suspended drivers are driving themselves to the licencing centers to get their drivers licences re-instated.

The RCMP in partnership with ICBC advise that if a person becomes Prohibited/Suspended from Driving a Motor Vehicle, they continue to be Prohibited/Suspended from driving until they have the reinstated driver’s licence in hand.

They cannot drive just because the date of the Prohibition/Suspension has passed.

The Prohibition/Suspension end date is a fixed point, after which a driver is eligible to have his/her driver’s licence re-instated. 

 Police note that after the Prohibition/Suspension date has passed, a Prohibited/Suspended driver must find his/her way to a Licencing Center in any way other than as a driver of a Motor Vehicle, and may resume driving once a valid Driver’s Licence has been issued to them.

Police advise they will be stepping up enforcement and will be issuing violation tickets to anyone who does not possess a valid Driver’s Licence.


Barriere Star Journal