Pictured (L-r) M. Sunderman, M. Hall, M. Anderson, M. Collison, G. McKeown, Dr. Soles, D. Toma and G. Capostinsky. Photo submitted(L-r) M. Sunderman, M. Hall, M. Anderson, M. Collison, G. McKeown, Dr. Soles, D. Toma and G. Capostinsky. Photo submitted

Pictured (L-r) M. Sunderman, M. Hall, M. Anderson, M. Collison, G. McKeown, Dr. Soles, D. Toma and G. Capostinsky. Photo submitted(L-r) M. Sunderman, M. Hall, M. Anderson, M. Collison, G. McKeown, Dr. Soles, D. Toma and G. Capostinsky. Photo submitted

Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital receives new equipment

LUCUS chest compression machine worth $17,097

  • Apr. 2, 2019 12:00 a.m.

M. Sunderman

Dr. John Soles demonstrated another of Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital’s new pieces of equipment, a LUCUS chest compression machine worth $17,097.

This is the final purchase from the “wish list” the doctors and hospital presented to the Auxiliary our past fiscal year. Prior to this piece, we purchased a treatment chair, sharing the cost with Wells Gray Community Forest Society, our portion being $4,905.


Also a laryngoscope (Glidescope) for $17,250 and a Clinitek Status, connector and barcode reader for $2,529. In the past year we have provided $41,782 to Dr. Helmcken Memorial hospital.

This is made possible because of the wonderful support we get from the community. In May at our AGM we will receive a new wish list from the doctors and will try to provide more equipment that makes life easier for the patients and doctors at our hospital.

May 5 is our next big fundraiser—our Cinco de Mayo Garden Party. The tickets are now on sale for $25. Watch for hospice members selling them at Buy-Low or get them at the hospital Gift Corner or auxiliary member. Auxiliary likes to thank all the businesses and individuals that support its event. As can be seen, money made is put to good use.

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