Tow truck crews begin to remove a pickup truck that crashed off the side of Jubilee Parkway on July 25. Photo by Sean Feagan / Campbell River Mirror.

Driver faces multiple tickets for crash off Jubilee Parkway on July 25

Campbell River RCMP: fatigue played role in crash

  • Jul. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A driver is facing multiple tickets after crashing a pickup truck off the side of Jubilee Parkway in Campbell River on Sunday evening.

The driver was taken into custody for an impaired driving investigation, explained Cst. Maury Tyre, Campbell River RCMP media liaison, in an email. Despite being found sober, they were issued multiple tickets under the Motor Vehicle Act.

It appears the accident happened because driver was overly tired.

This comes as a warning that fatigue can be just as dangerous as being impaired by drugs or alcohol, said Tyre.

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