A traffic control flagger was nearly struck at the construction site on Bowker Avenue on July 3 when a vehicle ignored the flagger’s instructions that the road was closed and drove on the sidewalk.
At that point the driver nearly struck the flagger, said Oak Bay Police Deputy Chief Ray Bernoties. There was a delay in reporting but there is a suspect vehicle and an investigation is underway to find the dangerous driver.
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Summer in #OakBay is paradise. Please drive slowly and respectfully so all road users (and sidewalk users) enjoy our community. Playground zones are in effect. pic.twitter.com/W8EM7dQ91Z
— Oak Bay Police (@OakBayPolice) July 2, 2019
The sidewalk driver was one of 104 calls that Oak Bay Police responded to between June 30 and July 4.
It was not only an offence under the Criminal Code and Motor Vehicle Act, but risked the life of the flagger, Bernoties said. Acts like this are too common and also risk the lives of construction workers.
“Although the many construction sites may be frustrating to your commute, you should put yourself in [the flagger’s] shoes before making such a dangerous decision,” Bernoties added.
Among the other calls last week was a report of an impaired driver on Canada Day in the 1300 block of Beach Drive. The caller reported the driver as visibly intoxicated but did not share a licence plate. When police responded to the area, the vehicle was gone.
The Oak Bay Police are thankful for the concerned call and want to remind residents, when possible, to obtain the licence plate, make, model and colour of the vehicle. That, along with a description of the driver, give police a better chance at recognizing and intercepting the suspect, or to follow up at their residence, Bernoties said.
READ MORE: Police remind residents to lock it or lose it
In another incident, an unsecured bike was stolen from under the back deck of a residence in the 2200 block of Estevan Ave. on July 4.
Police are reminding the public to secure their bike if left outside, and also to take photos and register your bike with the police.
Also on July 4, an Oak Bay officer returning from Victoria (and still within Victoria) observed a male slumped over on a bench. Out of concern for his safety the officer checked on him. The male was not injured, but was found breaching his court-ordered conditions and was therefore held for court.
Thieves broke into a construction site at the 1200 block of Newport Ave. on Friday, July 5. Electrical wire used in household wiring is reported as missing and the investigation is still ongoing.
In a piece of potentially good news, a boy and his mother visited the Oak Bay Police office on Saturday (July 6) to turn in a gold ring they found at Willows Beach, near the entrance to Bowker Road.
“We’re hoping to return it to its rightful owner,” Bernoties said.
FOUND RING: A ring was turned into us. It was found at Willows Beach near the Bowker entrance. If its yours, please call us. pic.twitter.com/d8IwmbzHyQ
— Oak Bay Police (@OakBayPolice) July 8, 2019