Vernon residents can breathe a little easier now that a dust advisory has ended in the area. (Brendan Shykora - Morning Star)

Dust settles in Vernon

Air quality improves, but still worse than Kelowna

Vernon residents can breathe a little easier.

Following two days of air quality advisories due to high levels of dust, the advisory ended Thursday, Feb. 11.

READ MORE: First dust advisory of 2021 continues in Vernon

The Ministry of Environment in collaboration with the Interior Health Authority has ended the air quality advisory that was issued on Tuesday, Feb. 9 for Vernon due to elevated concentrations of dust.

“Changing meteorological conditions have improved conditions across the region,” the ministry states.

The provincial air quality objective for PM10 is 50 micrograms per cube metre, averaged over 24 hours.

Vernon’s levels exceeded 50 Feb. 9 and 10.

But as of Feb. 11, 11 a.m., the levels for Vernon were 33.8.

It’s still much higher than neighbouring Kelowna, whose levels are 10.9.

Real-time air quality observations and information regarding the health effects of air pollution can be found at

READ MORE: Compost collection plan ripens in Vernon

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Vernon Morning Star