Eagle trying to land trip to space

Ken Eagle needs your help to soar higher than any bird.

Ken Eagle needs your help to soar higher than any bird.

The Comox Valley resident has entered an online contest hosted by the AXE Apollo Space Academy, which is offering a trip to space for a few brave civilians. The search is worldwide.

The top two vote getters will attend a space camp for rigorous training in Orlando, Fla. The top recruits will then be rocketed into sub-orbit in a spacecraft.

“I imagine it’s going to run a couple of years,” Eagle said of the contest. “It’s not very well-known yet.”

Most registrants, he notes, are kids.

“I’m one of the only older guys, so that’s one thing that’s going for me.”

When he forwarded his name, Eagle was No. 33 with no votes. The top person had 69 votes.

As of Thursday, he was sitting in 35th position with six votes. The first place contestant had 1,200 votes. Second place had received 587 votes.

“It’s not everybody’s cup of tea,” Eagle said. “To me, it’s like another trip. If you could actually win it and go for free, why not?”

The website includes a speech from astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who in 1969 became the first person, along with Apollo 11 crew-mate Neil Armstrong, to walk on the moon.

Vote for Eagle at https://www2.axeapollo.com/en_AE/80905/ken-eagle.


Comox Valley Record