Earth Day at Raft River

Students at Raft River Elementary School take part in Earth Day activities on April 22

Kai Macfayden sorts trash into the correct recycling bag as he takes part in Earth Day activities at Raft River Elementary School on April 22. Students went from station to station around the schoolyard, doing different activities. Some classes also took an afternoon walk to District of Clearwater's sewage lagoon, picking up garbage along the way.

Kai Macfayden sorts trash into the correct recycling bag as he takes part in Earth Day activities at Raft River Elementary School on April 22. Students went from station to station around the schoolyard, doing different activities. Some classes also took an afternoon walk to District of Clearwater's sewage lagoon, picking up garbage along the way.

Kai Macfayden sorts trash into the correct recycling bag as he takes part in Earth Day activities at Raft River Elementary School on April 22. Students went from station to station around the schoolyard, doing different activities. Some classes also took an afternoon walk to District of Clearwater’s sewage lagoon, picking up garbage along the way.


QuestionLeft: A student asks a question about Clearwater’s water system of (l-r) teacher Grace Gormley and municipal employees Stephanie Poisson and Rob Griffiths. Many students were not aware of the locations of Clearwater’s wells and reservoirs.



Clearwater Times