Lukas Jakubec is presented with his very own business license by Mayor Frank Armitage and Town of Princeton CAO Rick Zerr. (not in photo) The license entitles Lukas to run his business, Luke’s Christmas Cheer for a year.

Lukas Jakubec is presented with his very own business license by Mayor Frank Armitage and Town of Princeton CAO Rick Zerr. (not in photo) The license entitles Lukas to run his business, Luke’s Christmas Cheer for a year.

Eight year old Lukas Jakubec starts his own business

Lukas Jakubec wanted to have his own business to pay for music lessons. So, his mom Susan set things up so he could do just that.

Junior entrepreneur Lukas Jakubec wants to take music lessons, so along with the help of his mom Susan, has become a business owner/operator to earn his own money to do so.

“I’m the business boss,” says young Lukas, mom Susan adds with a giggle, “Yes and I am the production assistant.”

Susan says that young Lukas has wanted to have his own business for quite some time. He had the idea to do hot chocolate sales from their home, but mom thought it might be better to do sales in a more central location.

Together, Susan and Lukas came up with ideas for the business, “Luke’s Christmas Cheer.”

Christmas Cheer packages contain items like; Snowman Poop, Grinch Pills and Reindeer Food and droppings— just to name a few. Each individually wrapped cheer item comes with a little ditty—explaining what it is or how to use them.  Leaning in close, Lukas explains what the cheer packages are made of. He speaks in barely a whisper…so no one else can hear—he does not want to give his secrets away.

Lukas has also designed a few Christmas decorations for your tree or to hang on your wall. He has also created his very own reproductions of the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.

With his determination for business, mom wanted Lukas to have the real experience in setting one up.

Susan set up appointments with the local Valley First Credit Union and with Town Hall.

Lukas prepared a business plan, (spent a week doing so) and set out for his appointments.

At Valley First Lukas showed his business plan and gave a product demonstration after which, he received advice on business loans and accounts as well as some tips for success.

Next stop was Town hall where he met with Mayor Armitage and CAO Rick Zerr.

Lukas again presented his business plan and gave the product demonstration.

“I was very pleased to meet this young man,” said Mayor Armitage, he’s quite industrious.”

Mayor Armitage explained that Lukas is the youngest applicant to apply for a business license and that he and Mr. Zerr, “proudly granted the young man’s request and due to the very special circumstances, waived the fee for the license.

Lukas said he is “Very pleased and quite excited to have my business license.”

Mayor Armitage was also quite proud to announce that he was, “the first customer of Luke’s Christmas Cheer.”

On Saturday, Dec. 7 Luke and mom Susan were stationed at the Stuff Your Stocking store located in the old flower shop on Bridge Street.

It was a great venue for the young entrepreneur, sales went very well.

Susan and Lukas have also designed a Facebook group for his business.

Check out Luke’s Christmas Cheer, view the products he has for sale and follow his progress as a young entrepreneur.




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