Elkford man nets 50/50 win

Darcy Hutchinson was the lucky winner of the Ghostriders progressive draw

  • Mar. 17, 2020 12:00 a.m.
Red Apple manager Stacey Bickford just after drawing the winning ticket. Photo Submitted

Red Apple manager Stacey Bickford just after drawing the winning ticket. Photo Submitted

Darcy Hutchinson of Elkford was the lucky winner of the Fernie Ghostrider’s progressive 50/50 draw, but at this time has no plans for the money.

The Ghostrider executive recognized the need to raise additional funds as costs are always rising and the club expects an increase in city fees in the near future. To offset the additional funds that will be required, the idea was struck to have a progressive 50/50 draw.

Selling of the tickets began in September and continued throughout the Ghostrider’s season.

The winning ticket was drawn by Red Apple manager, Stacey Bickford and as a result, Ghostrider president Barb Anderson, executive member and booster table chairperson Ruth Murdoch and treasurer Tom Murdoch presented Hutchinson with a cheque for $7,630, representing 50 per cent of the funds raised.

With the draw literally being a win – win, watch for the Ghostrider’s executive next year as they start to build the prize again.

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