The Prince Rupert Port Authority is once again among the sector’s highest environmental performers in the Green Marine environmental certification program. (Photo courtesy PRPA)

Environmental excellence streak continues for Prince Rupert Port Authority

PRPA graded among the highest achievers in Green Marine program

  • Nov. 24, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) is once again among the sector’s highest environmental performers, significantly exceeding jurisdictional regulations in North America established by the Green Marine environmental certification program.

The port’s performance report reached the highest mark available (5) in environmental criteria related to community impacts, spill prevention, aquatic invasive species, waste management and environmental leadership. It achieved above-average results for greenhouse gas emissions (4) and underwater noise (3). PRPA’s average score was 4.5/5, compared to the North American average of 2.8/5.

All of the port’s main clients also performed above average: DP World Prince Rupert achieved 4.2; Ridley Terminals 4.6; and AltaGas 3.0.

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“The Prince Rupert Port Authority takes immense pride in demonstrating our commitment to environmental stewardship by going above and beyond our regulatory obligations to ensure our operations and practices are sustainable in the decades to come,” Shaun Stevenson, PRPA president and CEO said in a statement. “We are grateful for the guidance and inspiration Green Marine has provided to our Port over the past ten years as we work together to mitigate the impacts of shipping on our environment.”

The Green Marine certification program encourages participants to reduce their environmental foot print with concrete actions. The program uses targeted performance indicators for what’s touted as a rigorous, transparent and inclusive way to address key environmental issues. The results are verified and published every two years by third-party auditors.

Green Marine’s executive director, David Bolduc, said PRPA was a catalyst for expanding the program outside of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region.

“It led to many participants joining from all coasts – Pacific North West, Gulf Coast, Atlantic – and this more diversified membership strengthened and added value to the program,” Bolduc said.

Full results can be found here on Green Marine’s website.

READ MORE: Prince Rupert Port Authority announces 2019 Green Wave Award Recipients

Prince Rupert Northern View