Errington Elementary School will have new playground for kindergarten when school starts this September. (PQB file photo)

Errington Elementary School will have new playground for kindergarten when school starts this September. (PQB file photo)

Errington Elementary School PAC seeks volunteers for playground project

Chairperson says they will need all the help they can get

  • Aug. 20, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Errington Elementary School is looking forward to having a new playground equipment for kindergarten students when school starts next month.

The EES Parents Advisory Council is now seeking volunteers to help with the installation of the new playground facility that was funded by School District 69 (Qualicum).

“We need as much help as we can get,” said PAC chair, Naomi Albert. “Errington has needed this playground for many years and what a wonderful thing for the kids to come back to.”

Albert is concerned that to date only two volunteers have come forward.

“Two ain’t going to cut it,” Albert wrote in her message to the community. “I know we are all busy and already have stressful lives, but I have heard many of you complain about the kindergarten playground. And now is the time to do something about it.”

On Aug. 27, the PAC needs six to seven volunteers to help unload the equipment that will be delivered on that day as well as assist with pile measuring and auguring. School district staff will be on-site as well.

RELATED: Playground battle: School District 69 board ends conflict on equipment issue

On Aug. 28-29, the PAC is looking for 12 to 15 volunteers to help build the playground under the supervision of school staff and engineer.

All volunteers will be required to wear face masks in case they need to be in close contact while working.

For those wishing to volunteer, email Albert at in advance.

You can volunteer to help for a day, two days, for an afternoon or for a couple of hours. Albert said any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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