Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a press conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa on Wednesday Oct. 23, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a press conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa on Wednesday Oct. 23, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

EU, Germany welcome ‘continuity’ on climate change with Liberal minority win

Trudeau portrayed his Conservative opponent Andrew Scheer as a climate change laggard

  • Oct. 27, 2019 12:00 a.m.

The European Union and Germany say they appreciate the “continuity” in Canadian climate change policy that will result from the federal election result.

The Liberals won a minority mandate after a campaign that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau framed as a fight over protecting the planet from the existential threat of climate change.

Trudeau portrayed his Conservative opponent Andrew Scheer as a climate change laggard, a charge Scheer answered as amounting to hypocrisy because the Liberals hadn’t met their greenhouse-gas reduction targets.

Diplomats from the EU and Germany were careful not to wade into the partisan fight that unfolded on the Canadian campaign trail.

Peteris Ustubs, the EU envoy to Canada, says the bloc views fighting climate change as a top priority and now knows it can continue to count on Canada because of Monday’s election results.

German Ambassador Sabine Sparwasser said her country has worked closely with Canada on climate protection and looks forward to that continuing.

Analysis: B.C. shined bright for major parties in 2019 federal election

The Canadian Press

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