I was looking out my side window the other day and saw to my chagrin that my tree was just standing there all full of bright red leaves! What?! Already? It was beautiful I will admit, but I was pretty darn disappointed I have to say.
What the h.e. double toothpicks happened to summer? I swear it is getting shorter every year, ugh. I do happen to enjoy fall weather as well if it involves crisp mornings and sunny afternoons.
The colours you can find during long quiet drives are to be remembered during all of those long winter days as well. Wearing a warm scarf or boots is always cozy and fun. Sigh.
I guess it is not so bad after all. Are you one of those people who curse the cooler weather or….? Do you like the leaves changing? Do you look forward to the pumpkins and such?
I remember I invited a bunch of my kids friends over some years back….I got them all to rake the leaves in my yard….in exchange for hot dogs and marshmallows. Kids do almost anything for marshmallows. Of course, I did let them pile all of the leaves together into one big heap and let them run and play through it.
It got all of us laughing and having fun. It even taught them to work for something and then take a little time to enjoy your fruits of that labour. I hope you are going to do a bit of that yourself….When you rake….go ahead and kick up a few leaves while you are at it.
I bet even your dog will have fun with it too if you have one. Maybe it is that time to go make and enjoy some nice hot soup..a walk in the trees perhaps?
Oh, I know, I think hot chocolate may just make that fall day brighter. I suppose we cannot stop the changing of the seasons, whether we want to or not, so we may as well savour and enjoy them.
See ya on the trails!