A candidate running to be the Green Party of Canada’s next leader is making a stop in Kelowna tonight (Thursday, Sept. 3).
David Merner is hosting the socially-distanced outdoor campaign event in City Park at 6 p.m. to discuss the leadership campaign and his vision for the future of the Green Party.
Merner has worked for more than 30 years in law, government, and political activism, providing legal and policy advice to ministers in Conservative, Liberal, and NDP governments.
In the 2019 federal election, Merner ran for the Green Party in the Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke riding, finishing second with 26 per cent of the vote.
Join us tonight for a socially distanced outdoor get together in #Kelowna at City Park.
Bring a friend and let's discuss the leadership campaign, our vision for the future of the Green Party and build for the next election.
Details: https://t.co/Hd9PeWA0wF#GPC #ylw #bcpoli pic.twitter.com/yjT7n9Snxw
— David Merner (@DavidMerner) September 3, 2020
Merner would be taking over from current party leader Elizabeth May, who stepped down following the 2019 federal election from the position she’d held since 2006.
Dimitri Lascaris, another candidate vying for the leadership, made several stops in the Okanagan in August.
Online voting for the Green Party leadership opens on Sept. 26 and closes Oct. 3, when results will be announced live.
For more information on the Green Party of Canada’s leadership contest, visit greenparty.ca/en/leadership-contest.
READ MORE: Green candidate making Okanagan stops
READ MORE: Elizabeth May resigns as Green party leader
Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email: michael.rodriguez@kelownacapnews.com
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