Snowy runs on Fernie Alpine Resort. File Photo

Snowy runs on Fernie Alpine Resort. File Photo

Fernie Alpine Resort shuts down for remainder of ski season

Due to matters pertaining to the COVID-19 virus, the resort will remain closed

  • Mar. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

On March 17 Fernie Alpine Resort (FAR) confirmed they will be suspending all ski resort operations for the remainder of the winter season. In light of the rapidly changing circumstances surrounding the coronavirus, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR) also decided to shut down Nakiska Ski Area, Kimberley Alpine Resort, and Kicking Horse Mountain Resort for the remainder of the winter.

This decision was made in an effort to prioritize the health, safety, and well being of RCR’s community, staff, and guests. According to Matt Mosteller, senior vice president for RCR, the organization is trying to do all they can to stop the spread of the virus by supporting each other in social distancing and reducing travel.

“We need to be flexible as this is a moving and changing situation and to not lash out at each turn but to know that our government and health agencies are doing all they can, and we need to provide support to do what they are asking of us,” said Mosteller.

All resort ticket offices and guest services, including those at their Calgary office, will be closed. Any questions regarding purchases can be addressed to This being said, due to the increased volume of calls at this time, RCR appreciates the public’s patience.

“We know this is a time of unease for everyone as they worry about potential impact of this virus on their extended family, kids and friends,” said Mosteller. “We all need to dial up our empathy, listening, compassion and support. We can do this without contact too, by sending a text or email with a caring note. This is a time that an extra serving of care is needed, and for each of us to share more joy with others.”

In these uncertain times, Mosteller reminded the community to focus on their health, and find ways to stay calm. He recommended breathing exercises, outdoor walks, and keeping up with exercise regimes. Mosteller also suggested increasing sleep and rest in order to boost immune strength.

RCR is grateful for the community, their team members, and all of the guests who have joined them on the slopes this year.

“This season has come to close and we want to thank our team, guests and community for skiing and riding with us. Most importantly we want all to stay well.” said Mosteller.

The Free Press