The ‘official’ opening of 2nd Edition Coworking in downtown Fernie, a project five years in the making by the Fernie Chamber of Commerce. Left to right: Executive Director of the Fernie Chamber Brad Parsell, incoming President of the Fernie Chamber Norm Fraser, outgoing President of the Fernie Chamber Anita Palmer, and Mayor of Fernie Ange Qualizza. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Fernie Chamber cuts the ribbon on 2nd Edition

The new coworking space in Fernie is now 'officially' open, but has been operating since early 2021

  • Jun. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Fernie Chamber of Commercial has officially cut the ribbon on it’s 2nd Edition Coworking space in downtown Fernie.

Occupying The Free Press building on 2nd Avenue, the coworking space is one of a handful of new businesses to open in the midst of the pandemic, and Executive Director of the chamber, Brad Parsell said that it had been quite the journey.

“It can’t help but feel a little anti-climactic opening anything in a pandemic,” he said. “But it’s awesome opening something like this – it’s a great addition to the community.”

The coworking space has been a project of the Chamber’s for at least the last five years, and has been open (but at much reduced capacity) for the last six months following a six-month long construction period.

Parsell said that the space would be looking to open up more capacity as the provincial restart plan got into full swing, and the Chamber would be more actively marketing the space going forward.

“We’re encouraged with our first six months of being open – people are working even during a lockdown.”

The space has been operating at below 50 percent capacity to maintain COVID protocols by safely spacing workers.

At the opening, the incoming President of the Fernie Chamber, Norm Fraser cut the ribbon alongside outgoing President Anita Palmer, while Fernie Mayor Ange Qualizza also came along for the occasion.

For more information on 2nd Edition Coworking space, visit their website at The Free Press continues to occupy the building as an anchor tenant.

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