Soccer games returned to Max Turyk in Fernie this May and June, after a year-long break due to COVID. (Contributed by Yori Jamin)

Fernie kids get stuck into soccer

Youth soccer games returned to Max Turyk for May and June after a year-long break

  • Jun. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

You may have noticed some normality creeping back into life around the Elk Valley, and it’s no clearer than for the young soccer players in the Fernie Youth Soccer Association.

With over 400 registered players for the 2021 season, the local association has been up-skilling and playing games since early May.

Boys and girls aged 4 to 16 have been getting out and playing every night of the week at the Max Turyk field after a forced year off last year.

“Its awesome to have kids running around playing soccer again,” said Yori Jamin of the Fernie Youth Soccer Association, who explained that the slow relaxation of rules had allowed kids to not just get outside and dust off their soccer skills, but play in teams with player contact allowed.

Jamin said that registration was higher than previous years, and daily attendance was great as well.

“I think that demonstrates the real need for kids getting back outside playing sports together.”

Kids worked on skills improvement when the season began in early May, and with the lighter COVID-rules have been shifting to games between teams.

Jamin said that it was a good sign that community sports could return.

“I’m really happy with the way the board, the coaches and the coordinators were able to come together to enable this season under really unusual conditions.”

Sadly for those that want to get involved, registration for the current season is well and truly closed. Games will continue at Max Turyk up until the end of June, which is the regular end of the season.

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