Starting Tuesday (Sept. 11), the existing sidewalks and roadway on Fifth Street between Harmston and Fitzgerald Avenues will be removed to make way for crews to pour new sidewalks and curbs over the last two weeks of September. This work is an important step to be completed prior to repaving the street.
To safely complete the work, this section of Fifth Street will be closed to general vehicle and pedestrian traffic with local access maintained for all businesses and residents. Parking in the block will be restricted until completion of the project. To avoid delay, commuters should take alternate routes during this period. Sixth Street will continue to be the signed detour route during the closure.
Later in September, the Fifth Street and Fitzgerald Avenue intersection will be temporarily closed to remove and replace sidewalks and curbing before final intersection repaving. Further details on this closure will be communicated when this schedule is confirmed.
The contractor will ensure clear pedestrian access to all businesses on Fifth Street is maintained during this phase of street improvements.
The current local traffic restrictions between McPhee and Harmston Avenues will be extended to include the block between Harmston and Fitzgerald Avenues during this phase of construction. The Fifth and Harmston Avenue intersection is anticipated to remain open to northbound and southbound traffic but may be reduced to single-lane alternating at times. The contractor continues to try and minimize impacts while working to complete the project in October.
The $3.25 million Fifth Street Complete Street Pilot project is funded entirely by the federal Gas Tax Fund, under the Strategic Priorities – Local Roads, Bridges, and Active Transportation.
The improved corridor will reopen to all modes of transportation in October 2018.