The District may have filled one vacancy but now it will have to fill another with the resignation of finance director Yun Ke “David” Ni. He first signed on with the District in May 2019.
“My time here was a pleasure, and although I must leave due to family reasons, I am very grateful for my time spent here and the support I received from my team,” Ni said in a release.
Brienen expressed his disappointment at Ni’s departure, but wished him well in his new post as the finance director for the Township of South Stormont which is just southeast of Ottawa.
In a job posting, the District says the successful finance director candidate will be responsible for the “overall management of the financial affairs of the District of Houston,” including budgeting, financial planning, internal auditing, accounting, payroll, policy development and providing financing and policy advise to the district’s chief administrative officer and council.
The appointment of Malkinson and the departure of Ni makes for the third senior staffing change in a short time. Chris Lawrence was hired this year as operations manager to fill the vacancy caused when Paul Gordon passed away last fall.