Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home near 128th Street and 100th Avenue late Friday evening (Feb. 5, 2021). (Photo: Shane MacKichan)

Fire damages Surrey home, but smoke alarms ‘absolutely’ saved residents’ lives

Incident happened near 128th Street and 100th Avenue Friday night

Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home late Friday evening.

Reo Jerome, battalion chief with the Surrey Fire Service, said the call came in at 11:46 p.m. for a house near 128th Street and 100th Avenue on Feb. 5.

READ ALSO: Fire damages residential garage near border of Langley and Surrey, Feb. 6, 2021

Jerome said there were only two people in the house, an “elderly gentleman and his young adult son,” when the call came in.

He added the father called 911 and said his “living room is on fire and he’s trying to get out.”

When crews arrived, Jerome said, the fire in the living room was “fully involved” and the windows were “blown out” with the flames “wrapping up over the roof.”

Jerome said firefighters were able to “knock down the fire quickly from the outside,” but when crews went inside they weren’t able to find any residents in the split-level home.

Fortunately, the father and son were able to escape the home on their own and were sitting in their vehicle. Jerome noted the father did have some burns to his hands.

Jerome said the father was woken by a smoke alarm because he was sleeping in the living room, and he then went to wake up his son.

“The smoke alarms absolutely saved their lives,” Jerome said.

He noted that earlier in his shift, there was a fire that started on a stovetop that “thankfully someone noticed.”

Jerome said it was in a “large home” with three suites, but there were “no smoke alarms working.”

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Surrey Now Leader


Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home near 128th Street and 100th Avenue late Friday evening (Feb. 5, 2021). (Photo: Shane MacKichan)

Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home near 128th Street and 100th Avenue late Friday evening (Feb. 5, 2021). (Photo: Shane MacKichan)

Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home near 128th Street and 100th Avenue late Friday evening (Feb. 5, 2021). (Photo: Shane MacKichan)

Surrey firefighters quickly knocked down a fire in a Whalley home near 128th Street and 100th Avenue late Friday evening (Feb. 5, 2021). (Photo: Shane MacKichan)