Firefighters camp out

The firemen bundle up in their bunker gear to keep warm for three days and two nights on top of the Big White Kids Centre.

The firemen bundle up in their bunker gear to keep warm for 3 days and 2 nights on top of the Big White Kids Centre.

The firemen bundle up in their bunker gear to keep warm for 3 days and 2 nights on top of the Big White Kids Centre.

Now in its sixth year, the Big White Fire Department will host its annual Roof Top Camp Out. The Big White Fire Hall firemen will bravely camp out for three days and two nights on the roof of the Big White Kids Centre to raise money for a cause supporting youth in need from March 3 to 5.

Last year, the Big White Fire Department raised $8,000 for Powder Hounds Adaptive Snow Sports, a unique program offering skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing recreation opportunities for physically and sensory challenged individuals.

This year the goal is to raise $10,000 with 100 per cent of the proceeds going towards the THRIVE Program, an empowerment program for Youth Burn Survivors provided by the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund.

“The THRIVE program aims to address the isolation and emotional aftermath that burn-injured children face. It gives them the tools to help foster growth, their careers, relationships, and self-image,” said Michael Cuzzupe, WEP 15 firefighter of the Big White Fire Department. “We’ve previously spent time with the kids, working with them, talking with them and trying to get them out of their shells, and we’re so happy to be able to support them with this fundraiser.”

“We’ve previously spent time with the kids, working with them, talking with them and trying to get them out of their shells, and we’re so happy to be able to support them with this fundraiser.”

A tent will be set up just below the rooftop camp out in the heart of the Village, with music playing along with fun games and obstacle courses for the kids. There will also be tours of the fire trucks, as well as an opportunity to dress up in the firefighter bunker gear and take photos with the trucks and tools.

There will be novelty Big White Fire Department (BWFD) t-shirts for sale as well as raffle tickets for a chance to win great Big White prizes. Visitors, guests, and members of the Big White community are all encouraged to come out, donate, and show their support.

“It is with the greatest respect of those men and women that serve our communities we are proud to be part of this fundraiser and do what we can to support its success,” said senior vice president Michael J Ballingall at Big White.

Donations can be made online from Big White’s website.


Kelowna Capital News