The Northwest Fire Centre is currently managing two fires that started earlier today south of the Yukon border.
One of the fires is near Wheeler Lake, 12 kilometres east of Highway 37. Fire management staff members are assessing this 120‐hectare fire to determine a fire management strategy. This fire is currently receiving heavy precipitation and is burning upslope into snow.
The second fire is about 40‐kilometres south of the Yukon border and is approximately 0.2‐hectares in size. This fire is burning in heavy fuel and has six fire fighters on site. In addition to the fire‐fighters, a medium helicopter is bucketing to reduce fire behaviour for the crews. At this time the fire behaviour on site is minimal.
In addition to the resources currently on site there are 13 fire fighters headed north to work on these fires. Airtankers currently based in Watson Lake are available and can be used to slow fire growth if necessary.
The Northwest Fire Centre is anticipating additional fire starts in the far north due to continued warm and dry weather with the potential for lightning. If you see smoke or a fire, please report it by calling *5555 on your cell phone, or 1‐800‐663‐5555. For more information on wildfires in British Columbia, please visit our website at