First 2020 baby for Williams Lake born at Cariboo Memorial Hospital

First 2020 baby for Williams Lake born at Cariboo Memorial Hospital

Despite coming late to the party, Williams Lake now officially has its new year's baby

Despite coming late to the party, Williams Lake now officially has its new year’s baby.

Baby boy Aiden Daniel Lewis Char was born to mom Janet Char and dad Reggie Char on Jan. 5, 2020, at 12:02 a.m. at Cariboo Memorial Hospital.

READ MORE: First 2020 baby for Interior Health born in Kelowna

The date of birth is unusual for the first baby of the new year as, typically, Williams Lake sees on average a baby born per day at CMH.

READ MORE: ‘It’s been a long time coming’

Last year’s first baby born in Williams Lake was Aurora Melody Dawn Heitmann, born to Roxanne and Micheal Heitmann on Jan. 1.

Janet and Reggie, meanwhile, will receive a cash prize courtesy of New Waves Pool and Spa and the Williams Lake Tribune.

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Williams Lake Tribune