Food Bank delivers 109 Xmas hampers

A total of 115 boys and 117 girls received Christmas gifts through the program

Volunteers organize foodstuffs into hampers in the gym at Raft River Elementary School on Saturday evening, Dec. 16. Over 100 needy families and individuals took advantage of this year’s program, put on by Clearwater and District Food Bank.

Volunteers organize foodstuffs into hampers in the gym at Raft River Elementary School on Saturday evening, Dec. 16. Over 100 needy families and individuals took advantage of this year’s program, put on by Clearwater and District Food Bank.

Clearwater and District Food Bank distributed 109 hampers for this Christmas season, organizers report.

This would appear to be about the same as last year but more than the year before that.

Packing of the hampers took place on Friday, Dec. 16 in the gymnasium at Raft River Elementary School. Hamper distribution took place on Saturday, Dec. 17.

Families or organizations sponsored six of the hampers – the most ever.

A total of 115 boys and 117 girls received Christmas gifts through the program.

For those under the age of 14, their parents picked out something for them from a gift room. This was the second year in a row that a gift room was used. It worked well – much better than last year, organizers report.

Roughly $17,000 was received in direct money contributions this year.



Clearwater Times