Lt. Ron Clancy onboard an Orca-class vessel in Patricia Bay. HMCS York Twitter photo

Lt. Ron Clancy onboard an Orca-class vessel in Patricia Bay. HMCS York Twitter photo

Former B.C. naval officer charged with sexual assault

Lt. Ronald Clancy faces two counts of sexual assault in connection to alleged summer 2017 incidents

  • Aug. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

A former member of the Naval Fleet School at CFB Esquimalt has been charged with sexual assault in connection to incidents alleged to have taken place in the summer of 2017.

Navy Lieutenant Ronald Clancy, currently a reserve force member of HMCS York, a naval reserve division in Toronto, faces two counts of sexual assault, one count of behaving in a disgraceful manner and one count of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline.

The charges relate to incidents involving another member of the Canadian Armed Forces while at Naval Fleet School in Esquimalt during the summer of 2017.

Lt. Clancy is charged with two counts of sexual assault under the Criminal Code and two counts of misconduct under the National Defence Act.

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In a statement, Lieutenant-Colonel Kevin Cadman, commanding officer, Canadian Forces National Investigation Service, said the Canadian Forces Military Police “seek to investigate and where appropriate lay charges based on factual evidence regardless of location in Canada or abroad.”

“All members of the Canadian Armed Forces – whether they are part of the Reserve Force or Regular Force – should expect to serve in a respectful and professional environment safe from harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour,” Lt.-Col. Cadman said.

The matter is now proceeding in accordance with the military justice system for possible court martial at a date and location still to be determined. The subject of charges is presumed innocent until proven guilty.


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