Forum about KGH public parking

City of Kelowna looking for feedback about on-street parking challenges in area of the hospital.

Kelowna General Hospital area residents and visitors are being asked for input by the City of Kelowna on how to address public parking and transportation needs for the area.

The public is invited to voice their opinion on this issue at a forum planned for Wednesday, May 18, 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the Clinical Academic CampusĀ  Lecture Theatre, 2312 Pandosy St., in the hospital complex. City and Interior Health staff will be on hand to answer questions.

As well, there is an opportunity to fill out a short survey online at

The public input gathered will be considered for the development the city’sĀ  Hospital Area Plan, which will guide future redevelopment and address parking and transportation needs in the area.

For more information on the Hospital Area Plan, visit the project page at

Kelowna Capital News