Fraser Health is sending letters home to parents of kids whose measles vaccinations are not up to date.
For National Immunization Week this week, the health authority is reminding the public about the province’s immunization catch-up vaccination program, running until June, that was created in the wake of dozens of measles cases being reported throughout B.C.
The letter will provide parents with instructions on when and where they can takes their un-immunized or under-immunized kids to get the shot.
READ MORE: Another case of measles brings total to 27 in B.C.
The health authority said there is no measles outbreak within its region, but staff are trying to be proactive.
Measles-only immunization clinics are being held for children in kindergarten to Grade 12. Staff will also visit specific schools.
A complete list of the clinics and more information about the catch-up program can be found on the Fraser Health website.
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