Fraser Valley quilters contribute to Boston tribute

Abbotsford woman encourages locals to participate in To Boston with Love exhibit

Lysa Mair (third from left) coordinated local quilters to participate in a show at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Lysa Mair (third from left) coordinated local quilters to participate in a show at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

About two dozen quilted flags from the Fraser Valley are part of a show that started Saturday, May 25 in Boston as a message of love.

“To Boston with Love” runs until July 7 at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts and was organized by Berene Campbell of Vancouver.

Campbell wanted to send the city a hug in the form of a quilted flag, after the tragedies of the Boston Marathon in April, when two bombs exploded, killing three people and injuring hundreds of others.

Lysa Mair of Abbotsford was the first to help. She is the founder and leader of the Fraser Valley Modern Quilting Guild.

She informed the group about the Boston project, and many wanted to pitch in. The idea was posted on Mair’s blog (, and about two dozen contributions came in from the valley.

The exhibit features more than 1,000 flags with hand-sewn messages from nearly every province, every state and dozens of countries. They are all tied together and strung across the museum.

“I think it provides wonderful consolation,” said museum director Malcolm Rogers. “You’ve just seen the worst that human hands and minds can do. And you can come to the museum and see the very best of what human hands and minds can do. It’s inspiring.”

Abbotsford News