Fraudster Takes Advantage of The Kindness of Others

A middle aged man is preying on the kindness of Cranbrook residents.

  • Mar. 10, 2016 8:00 a.m.


A middle aged man is preying on the kindness of Cranbrook residents.

On March 9 Cranbrook RCMP were approached by a citizen who advised he was scammed out of $50.  A man had approached him near the Cranbrook Mall saying he had just come to Cranbrook by ambulance and needed money in order to get back home.

The concerned citizen handed over the $50 after the male said he would meet him a week later and pay him back. The Cranbrook citizen went to the allotted meeting point but the man never showed.  Cranbrook RCMP would like to warn people to be more mindful when giving money to people they don’t know.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman