A tuition-free online film craft services course is being offered to residents of remote and rural areas of B.C. (Photo credit: North Island College)

Free film craft services course offered to rural BC residents

Trained craft service workers very much in demand by production companies

Hard on the heels of a free online course about learning the skills you need to be a film or TV production assistant comes news of another film-oriented course offered by North Island College on Vancouver Island.

The online Motion Picture Craft Services Course, which starts on March 8 and lasts for 11 weeks, is only being offered to residents of remote and rural areas of British Columbia outside the Lower Mainland. There are only 40 seats in the class, so early registration is required.

The tuition-free course prepares people to work in the Craft Services Department of the motion picture industry. Participants will learn the critical role held by this team, including the fundamentals of food and beverage preparation, service, and storage; develop skills related to maintaining and cleaning equipment and service areas; and learn how to support food services based out of craft kitchens and/or craft trucks.

Craft services support is a skill very much needed by film companies working in the region. Having trained locals able to step in and work on productions is a plus for film and TV companies, which otherwise have to bring in crew members from elsewhere.

Participants must reside in B.C. and be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person entitled to work in Canada; be at least 15 years of age and have a Social Insurance Number (SIN); be unemployed or precariously employed (part time, seasonal, and/or casual); and be impacted by COVID-19 and seeking training to obtain a job.

All of the course sections and certificates are required for work in the film industry, but several — including Food Safe Level One and Occupational First Aid — are applicable to other sectors.

To learn more about the course, or to apply, go to www.nic.bc.ca/trades or call 1-800-715-0914.

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Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal