Free Golden RCMP program could help increase home security

There may be some simple things you could do to make your home or business more secure, things you don’t realize could make a difference.

Golden Field RCMP

Golden Field RCMP

There may be some very simple things you could do to make your home or business more secure, things you don’t even realize could make a difference.

That is why the Golden-Field RCMP is offering Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, a program that brings an officer to your house or place of business to assess if there are small measures you could take to increase security.

“I’ve always explained it as a security check,” said Const. Derrick McWilliams with the Golden RCMP.

Officer McWilliams has only been posted in Golden for the past four months, but was eager to help facilitate the program that he had been a part of in Kamloops.

“It was very successful there…and I think that it could do really well in Golden as well.”

Some of the most common improvements that can be made to your home or business revolve around lighting and line of sight. Simple things like adding a motion sensor light, or trimming bushes so that a neighbour can see if someone is walking around your house can improve security in your home.

“I would certainly never discourage anyone from installing a security system or cameras if that’s what they want to make them feel more secure,” said McWilliams. “But there are a lot of smaller improvement that you could also try.”

A consultation lasts roughly an hour, and is a very informal process says McWilliams. There is no police file attached to the visit, and there is no obligation to make any of the recommended changes.

Another recommended measure that could help you in the event of a theft is to record the serial numbers of any expensive items in your home.

“It can be quite time consuming to sit down and write out all of those numbers,” said McWilliams. “So what I recommend people do, is every time you purchase something big just take out your cell phone and take a picture of the serial number and email it to yourself. That way you always have a record of it that you can’t lose.”

If anyone is interested is participating in a free home or business walk through with Const. McWilliams, they can call the RCMP Detachment to inquire and set up a time at 250-344-2221.


Golden Star