Fund established to help sister city

Efforts are underway to help those devastated by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

The City of Vernon and the Vernon Japanese Cultural Society have established a fund to assist sister city Tome.

“We want to help Tome with special projects,” said Coun. Jack Gilroy, sister city committee chairperson.

“Buildings have been destroyed and we want to show that we care.”

There has been a sister city relationship between Tome and Vernon since 1985.

There has been limited contact with Tome, which was impacted by the March 11 earthquake but is far enough inland that it avoided the tsunami.

“I’ve been sending e-mails and trying Skype and I can’t get through,” said Tom Ouchi, a sister city committee member who has family in the Tome area.

Ouchi has been provided with some information during a  brief conversation with a relative.

“There has been no power or heat. There are no communications, and infrastructure and buildings were damaged,” he said.

Residents wanting to donate funds to assist Tome can drop cheques off at Vernon city hall or mail them to 3400 30th St., Vernon, V1T 5E6.

For those wanting to provide immediate assistance to earthquake and tsunami victims, they should contact the Salvation Army, the Red Cross or other humanitarian agencies.

“It’s the easiest way to get support to them,” said Ouchi of the outside organizations.

“We want to get the ball rolling and have donations come in.”



Vernon Morning Star