The Midway Partnership Fund Advisory Committee (MPFAC) is looking to receive letters of intent for the 2015 year for projects that build on strengths in the community, demonstrate collaboration with other agencies and/or respect for cultural diversity.
The committee is looking for applicants that meet certain criteria. Grant applicants must be a charitable organization and they must be registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and have a federal tax number.
For organizations that are not registered with Canada Revenue Agency, a sponsorship agreement with another organization for the purpose of this grant application is permissible. Grant monies must be used within the Village of Midway. The proposed project must have a percentage of funding in place before they apply. Letters of Intent must be received by no later than March 30. If the project meets the criteria, the advisory committee invites them to submit a full application.
Letters should be sent to: Advisory Committee, Midway Partnership Fund Village of Midway, P.O. Box 160, Midway, B.C. V0H 1M0. Applications will be due by no later than April 30.
Funds that are distributed come from two sources. The Heritage Fund is an investment partnership between the Village of Midway and the Vancouver Foundation. This fund continues in perpetuity and each year the interest income is forwarded to the advisory committee for granting purposes.
The Legacy Fund is an investment partnership between the village and the Phoenix Foundation. This fund carries on in perpetuity; however, unlike the Heritage Fund it remains open to donations from any interested party.
Pamphlets with full details are available at the library, McMynn’s Hardware and the village office. The MPFAC is supported by the Phoenix Foundation of the Boundary Communities. For more information call John Fair at 250-449-2639 or Danny Anderson at 250-449-2208.