Funds in doubt

A failure to follow due process could leave a local organization without funds from Coldstream.

A failure to follow due process could leave a local organization without funds from Coldstream.

The Restorative Justice Society has put in a funding request for $3,588.

While Coldstream will appease the request with $1,000, it is cautioning the society that there is a proper process for submitting applications. Along with being late, the application did not include financial statements.

“Let’s make it very clear to them that if they don’t get back to us with the information they won’t get funding,” said Coun. Peter McClean.

Neighbourhood co-operation

Coldstream is hooking onto a couple of new regional agreements.

An intermunicipal sewage service bylaw is being established to replace the existing agreement dating back to 1994. In fact, the process for a new agreement began back in 2010.

“It’s been a long time coming,” said Mayor Jim Garlick.

Third reading of this bylaw, as well as a new intermunicipal emergency operations service bylaw, took place at Monday’s council meeting.



Vernon Morning Star