GF ATV Club shows appreciation for members

The Grand Forks ATV Club held a member appreciation banquet on Saturday night at the Legion.

There was a great turnout for the Grand Forks ATV Club's member appreciation banquet on Saturday at the Legion.

There was a great turnout for the Grand Forks ATV Club's member appreciation banquet on Saturday at the Legion.

The Grand Forks ATV Club held a member appreciation banquet on Saturday night at the Legion.More than 50 members were on hand to partake in dinner, draw prizes, and listen to several speakers including representatives from the B.C. Wildlife Federation and ATV BC.Cody Zorn, president of the GF ATV Club, told the Gazette that the banquet is way for the club to show appreciation for all their members.“We had Ken Sward from the B.C. Wildlife Federation,” said Zorn. “We had Terry Wardrop from ATV BC, he’s the land use coordinator. He’s worked with us before on a couple of different projects that have dealt with land issues and ATV access. As well, we talked about some of the projects we are working.”The top project the club is working on is a proposed trail system east of Grand Forks.“It’s up in the Gilpin area near Stewart Creek,” said Zorn. “We’re trying to partner with the City of Grand Forks and Christina Lake.”Zorn said the major difficulty faces heading forward is funding.“Every organization has trouble with funding,” he said. “But we’ve had success with getting funding and we look forward to doing more projects this year. We’ll definitely be applying for more funding and grants this year.”Zorn said the club has been approved to proceed with enhancements to the Blue Joint Provincial Park just north of Grand Forks.“In the new year we’ll be working with B.C. Parks and Recreation to start looking at how we’re going to develop that and the camping and recreation opportunities for that site,” he added.The Grand Forks ATV Club has around 80 members. Zorn said the board meets about four times per year. The club also hosts several rides during the summer with upwards of 15 quads and 20 members hitting the trails.“We’ll go out with some of the members and it’s a great time,” he said. Zorn said the club looks to work with other user groups in sharing trails and enjoying the outdoors.“The club has a real positive outlook on the recreation opportunities in the area,” he said. “We’ve been really pushing to work with other groups in the area to better the trail system for everyone. We have instigated, along with the Grand Forks Community Trails Society, the Boundary Country Trails Agreement.”
The agreement is a document which has been signed by 15-20 different groups pledging to work together. “There’s been some clashing in the past so we’re trying to increase communication and work together with people rather than fighting,” said Zorn.Check out the club on their website at

Grand Forks Gazette