SS. Columbia (left) and SS Lytton at the steamboat dock at the south end of Front Street, circa 1891. (Revelstoke Museum and Archives photo 696)

Glimpses of Revelstoke’s past for Aug. 26

Local history as recorded by the newspaper of the day

  • Aug. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Items from Revelstoke newspapers, as gleaned and edited by Cathy English, curator of Revelstoke Museum & Archives.

130 years ago: Kootenay Star, Aug. 22, 1891

The Columbia & Kootenay Steam Navigation Company’s new steamer Columbia arrived in port in Revelstoke on Aug. 21, 1891, on her trial trip, carrying a number of passengers who could not be persuaded to wait for the first regular sailing. Her machinery worked splendidly and made good time. The steamboat was 150 feet long, 28 feet wide, and had accommodation for up to 40 passengers. The boat was under the command of Captain Gore.

120 years ago: Revelstoke Herald, Aug. 24, 1901

The mayor called a meeting for Monday next at 8p.m. in the opera house to discuss the communication received from the Vancouver citizens committee for the reception of the Duke and Duchess of York. Ladies are particularly invited to attend.

110 years ago: Mail-Herald, Aug. 23, 1911

C.R. Macdonald let a contract to the firm of Foote and Pradolini for the construction of his new drugstore building on Mackenzie Avenue. Macdonald came to Revelstoke in 1897 to manage the Canada Drug & Book Store at the corner of Mackenzie Avenue and Victoria Road. His new building was built at 206 Mackenzie, the location of Taco Club in 2021.

100 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 25, 1921

The Mount Revelstoke Auto Road was discussed at a meeting of the Revelstoke Publicity Association. Parks Superintendent Fred Maunder addressed the meeting and stated that an appropriation had been made for the completion of the road. The road to the summit had been underway since 1912.

90 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 28, 1931

A homer pigeon, of a blue-slate color, met death in a water tank on the farm of H. Trussler, at Sidmouth, on Monday. On an aluminum band the following markings were found: AU 31, M 480.5 and the figures 16 followed by a crown shaped mark.

80 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 28, 1941

Revelstoke citizens have been asked by the city council to move back their watches and clocks at midnight Friday in order that railway time may be general throughout the city. This is a response to the provincially mandated Daylight Saving Time.

70 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 23, 1951

An unidentified jet plane circled Revelstoke several times Monday morning and left long trails of vapor in the sky. The plane eventually flew eastward over the mountains. The plane itself was not discernible.

60 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 24, 1961

The B.C. Power Commission chairman H.L. Keenleyside stated that they could not be specific at this time as to the basis of compensation which would be offered to any property owners disturbed by the building of the High Arrow Dam north of Castlegar. He stated that they would follow the principle that “compensation shall be fair and reasonable and disturbance and distress shall be held to a minimum.”

50 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 26, 1971

A new K.O.A. Kampground opened just off the Trans-Canada Highway east of the Eastern Access with owners Mr. and Mrs. Caywood. It was one of four K.O.A. sites in British Columbia.

40 years ago: Revelstoke Review, Aug. 26, 1981

The Revelstoke Ratepayer Association was discussing a proposal from Victoria to extend the City’s boundaries to include Southside, Arrow Heights, and Big Eddy. Some of the area residents were opposed to the idea, as they felt they would lose some services and pay higher taxes.

30 years ago: Revelstoke Times, Aug. 28, 1991

A bylaw which would allow escort services to set up in Revelstoke was in limbo while council sought ways to discourage such businesses from coming here. The concern was that a long delay would risk a legal challenge. The issue dated back to a business license application received four months previously.

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