Kendra Klausen (left) and Lauren Blakey prepare to hand out care packages to those in need at Topaz Park. (Photo courtesy of Kendra Klausen)

Good samaritan to hand out care packages for those in need at Topaz Park

Organizer of care packages said response has been far and wide, many reaching out to help

  • Jul. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Good samaritans in Greater Victoria put together care packages for those experiencing homelessness and will hand them out at Topaz Park on Saturday afternoon.

Organizer Kendra Klausen said that the response to the care packages has been incredible. Lots of people have been reaching out as they hope to help hand them out and add to the items in the packages.

A pet store even donated more than 20 bags of dog food to Klausen with the knowledge that many people experiencing homelessness own dogs and could use some food for their furry friends.

“What inspired me to do this is I was remembering when I was 16 and couch surfing and I didn’t really have a home, and I saw someone handing out care packages with a bunch of items that I needed but didn’t have, like tampons and makeup,” said Klausen.

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Now 18-years-old, Klausen recalls how much that care package helped her when she was in need and she wanted to give back to the community in the same way.

“I was living in all these different places and now that I’m settled down in my own place, with access to a shower, to money, to a job – I just wanted to help because I know what it’s like,” she said.

In the care packages are items like toothbrushes, soap, toothpaste, snacks, baby wipes and feminine hygiene products.

Klausen encourages people in Greater Victoria to practice empathy toward those experiencing homelessness and to imagine what it would be like living in their shoes, adding that this is just one small way to help and to show care for others in the community.

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