Grab the rods - it's Family Fishing Day this weekend

Grab the rods – it’s Family Fishing Day this weekend

Grab the rods, grab the tackle and get ready for the ever-popular Family Fishing Weekend which takes place on Sunday at the Kitimat Rod and Gun Club.

Grab the rods, grab the tackle and get ready for the ever-popular Family Fishing Weekend which takes place on Sunday at the Kitimat Rod and Gun Club.

Attracting fishing enthusiasts young and old, the nearly 20-year-old family tradition continues to grow as families increasingly embrace the great outdoors as part of quality time together.

Timed to coincide with Father’s Day, Family Fishing Weekend events take place all over Northern B.C. with participants being able to choose from eight special events combining fishing, learning and socializing. The Kitimat participants will join an estimated 40,000 participants across the province planning to enjoy Family Fishing Weekend, which originally began with a dozen events focused in the Lower Mainland.

Participation in Family Fishing Weekend events is free, with hands-on tutorials available for beginners or those looking for a refresher. Loaner rods, reels and tackle are provided for those who do not have their own gear.

The events also offer opportunities to learn about fishing gear, share freshwater and saltwater fishing tips, learn about environmental stewardship and the tradition of recreational fishing.

Fishing licence requirements are waived for the weekend, meaning Canadian residents can fish licence-free, although some requirements remain in effect.

Details are posted on the BC Family Fishing website and the Fisheries and Oceans website.

“Family Fishing Weekend is an ideal time to get set for the fishing season ahead,” said Family Fishing Society of B.C. provincial co-ordinator Jessica Yarwood. “If a lack of experience or a lack of gear has been making someone hesitant we invite them to come to one of our events and give it a try. They may discover their new favourite sport.”

The Family Fishing Society of B.C. was established in 2001 to encourage new anglers as well as promote and coordinate Family Fishing Weekend and other angling initiatives targeted toward families and young people. This year marks the 19th year of the licence-free fishing weekend.

Kitimat Northern Sentinel