Grandparents day event
Grand-folks day at Houston Christian School
On May 19, the students of Houston Christian School invited their grandfolks to a drive by event in celebration of these treasured relationships. The grandparents were greeted by cheers, waves, and expressions of love as they passed by the gathered classes. High school students gifted their grandparents with bedding plants in personal hand-painted pots or gift bags of sweet treats. Elementary classes shared musical performances and blessed their grandparents with homemade cards, letters and poems. At one point, the line-up vehicles waiting stretched down Hwy. 16 all the way to Bulkley Valley Home Center. Staff counted over 40 vehicles in the event. Houston residents, Evert and Rene Jaspers took part in the grandfolk day event showing their love as they held their sign outside their vehicle .(Submitted photo)
On May 19, the students of Houston Christian School invited their grandfolks to a drive by event in celebration of these treasured relationships. The grandparents were greeted by cheers, waves, and expressions of love as they passed by the gathered classes. High school students gifted their grandparents with bedding plants in personal hand-painted pots or gift bags of sweet treats. Elementary classes shared musical performances and blessed their grandparents with homemade cards, letters and poems. At one point, the line-up vehicles waiting stretched down Hwy. 16 all the way to Bulkley Valley Home Center. Staff counted over 40 vehicles in the event. Houston residents, Evert and Rene Jaspers took part in the grandfolk day event showing their love as they held their sign outside their vehicle .(Submitted photo)
Houston Today

Grandparents day event

Grandparents day event