Canada Post workers in Grand Forks will keep up deliveries through the wildfire smoke. (Photo by Derek Charlton)

Canada Post workers in Grand Forks will keep up deliveries through the wildfire smoke. (Photo by Derek Charlton)

Grand Forks postal workers to continue mail deliveries despite wildfire smoke

The city post office said carriers were given the option to stay at home this week

  • Sep. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Mail carriers in Grand Forks have turned down an offer by Canada Post to suspend mail delivery across the region as heavy smoke continues to blow in from local wildfires, the Grand Forks post office confirmed Tuesday, Sept. 15.

The post offices three carriers deliver to roughly 8,000 addresses across the city and outlying rural areas, according to lead hand, Sheila Lounds.

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Lounds told The Gazette that management put the option to each of the carriers Monday morning.

All three decided they would continue making all deliveries on their routes while wearing respirators.

The post office bought the respirators during the 2015 Stickpin wildfire, said Lounds. The carriers’ masks have since been fitted with new filters.

The carriers had no intentions of suspending deliveries as of Tuesday afternoon, she said.

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Grand Forks Gazette