Ettinger hasn’t set a date yet on when she would close the business. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Ettinger hasn’t set a date yet on when she would close the business. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Granisle Convenience Store and Gas station up for sale

No takers, could prove to be a big loss for the community

  • Sep. 30, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Granisle General Store and Gas is set to shut down with the business on sale.

Sheila Ettinger, who owns the business plans to sell it off and retire. Ettinger owns the business but not the building or the property where it is housed. However, she did say that property owner was willing to sell the property to whoever buys the business, if a proper offer is made.

The convenience store and gas station are important to Granisle and prove to be a great place for tourists to stop to fill up gas. According to Ettinger, “It is fairly busy and gives a steady income.” She however did express that with kids back to school, things are more quiet now.

Ettinger has been with the store for over 10 years and doesn’t plan to continue working until the business gets sold. In case she doesn’t find a buyer, she plans to shut down the business. She doesn’t however have a set date yet on when she would close the business.

“I have had many people ask about it, many interested but no one has made any offers yet,” she said.

Mayor Linda McGuire, in a recent Regional District of Bulkley Nechako (RDBN) board meeting informed the board of the sale and expressed her concern for the Village of Granisle if the store closed.

In an email to Lakes District News, McGuire said, “I am extremely cautious on commenting on a private sale, however, it will be a huge loss to our community should it not sell and continuing to operate. Both the gas station and the small grocery outlet are an essential part of our community.”

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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