Green grants on tap

Regional District of Nanaimo wants to encourage green buildings

The Regional District of Nanaimo is now providing incentives to residents who protect local water resources by purchasing rainwater harvesting systems and efficient toilets.

The RDN has also renewed its Green Building Incentive Program in the RDN Electoral Areas, with the goal of encouraging residents to invest in energy efficiency, emission reductions and green building practices.

Up to $750 is available for residents of all four municipalities and seven electoral areas who purchase and install a 1,000 gallon cistern for rainwater capture. In addition, a $50 rebate is available for electoral area residents who replace a conventional toilet with a dual flush or high-efficiency alternative.

Green building incentives are available to residents for upgrading old wood stoves, installing domestic solar hot water systems, grading site-cut timber for use in construction, conducting home energy assessments and installing a residential electric vehicle charging station.


— Submitted by RDN



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