Ariane Jaschke is running for the Green Party of Canada in

Ariane Jaschke is running for the Green Party of Canada in

Green Party candidate announced for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge

Pitt Meadows business owner Jaschke will run in federal election

A Green Party of Canada candidate has announced her intention to run in this year’s federal election in Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge.

Pitt Meadows entrepreneur Ariane Jaschke announced it in social media this week, saying: “It’s official – I will be running in the next Federal election, as a Green Party candidate. I am hoping for a seat so that I can help bring awareness and action to the plight of our planet. I hope you will vote green, this is the year that it will not be a ‘wasted’ vote — this is the year we will prove that we are ready to accept climate change and work our hardest to make this world better for the next generations to come.”

Jaschke said she was approached by Green Party members who asked her to consider running. Her investigation of the party’s policies revealed to her how Green her political view are, and she accepted.

“I’m looking forward to bringing more awareness about our environment and other issues – it’s not just a one-issue party.”

For example, she said the party wants government to offer more support to small business, and she also believes in the importance of small business. Jaschke has lived in Pitt Meadows for about 12 years, and for seven has owned a photography business, Capture Studios, in Osprey Village.

She ran for Pitt Meadows council in 2018 and finished seventh, with six councillors being elected.

Jaschke will run against incumbent Liberal MP Dan Ruimy, and Conservative candidate Marc Dalton, the former provincial MLA who won the party nomination in February.

“I don’t have a lot of experience, but sometimes that’s what you need – a new face,” said Jaschke.

She doesn’t expect the Green Party to sweep seats and come to power in Canada, but said there needs to be more Green influence in Parliament than provided by just two Green MPs – Elizabeth May and Paul Manley. She said B.C. is the greenest province in Canada, thanks to the influence of the provincial Green party on public policy.

Jaschke has been involved in her community, helping with Osprey Days, Easter Egg Hunts and offering photos with Santa by donation to the food bank. She also volunteers her services to the Sunshine Foundation and B.C. Children’s Hospital.

The election is scheduled for Oct. 21 of this year, however the governor general can call an election at any time, on the advice of the prime minister.


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